Wink Pens

Wink Pens

People, I really like this pen project! As a lover of plant dyes, I think it’s so cool
that this Barrington pens for men writes with wine, soy sauce spinach juice, food coloring, etc.
All the dyes you can come up with. You can make you own colors, try out new
stuff, have fun. I backed their Kickstarter campaign a whole while ago, and I
have been waiting for the pen to be sent to me for too long. But it looks like that
wait will be over soon.

The basis for the branding, WINK, was derived from the concept of using “wine as ink” but the pen can be loaded with virtually any liquid that possesses a staining property

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The idea of using raw inks was something I thought of while working on a concept for a sustainable printer, during which I learned that inks—even those made with vegetable and soy—used in traditional printers are not 100% biodegradable. From the printer project, I re-evaluated my approach toward product design as a whole and began taking into consideration the full cycle of products; everything from how materials are first sourced to the manufacturing processes, as well as environmental foot prints pre and post-consumer use. Being inspired I ran with the idea of integrating alternative inks leading me eventually to the creation of the WINKpen!

Check out this movie they just sent out.[/vc_column_text]